Own Your Confidence: Top 100 Items Every #BossBabe Needs For Every Season — Black Couture |Health & Wellness lifestyle

Every fashion piece a powerful influential woman needs

By Zethu Zwane

This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something from one of the links, you won’t pay a penny more, but I’ll get a small commission. I only suggest on products or items I would use.

Have you or your loved ones ever gone through a season where you just feel like yeah we made! Or maybe you’re not all the way there yet and you’re kinda letting yourself get crushed under pressure? Sometimes all you need is a new glocation experience. In other instances its a matter of just lighting up a candle, and really getting down to brain dumping…. I mean really prioritizing yourself as opposed to pinning 50 selfcare images. Take this moment to let go and Finally start afresh again! Starting with this season tops picks to truly own your inner female titan #justgrowthbbe , allowing you to finally seal the deal bag! Own It with these top influential items you must have in your wardrobe #just growth bbe

To The Perfectionist Planners who love Timeless Items in Her closet

Okay who else was a planning Queen during the Christmas holidays? You should have seen the customized dresses I had made for the girls in the family and the custom perfumes for the guys! I was literally excited for Christmas, and I literally can’t sleep whenever there’s a gift to be delivered. While I was still in Norman, Oklahoma, I got one of the guys in season tickets to Oklahoma City Thunders Basket Ball games. Only mistake is I thought I would love the experience too, so got us both tickets… absolutely hated it , but I still love the look on his face and the free cup that I still use today.

Gift giving is more than adding clutter to your loved ones’ lives and it’s definitely more than materialistic stuff. On very special days such as Christmas, I like to go for more meaningful gifts that will last them a decade. I’m not even joking on some beauty products, all my mac highlighters have been with me for close to 6 years and still holding strong. Now isn’t that what you want for all your relationships; to have those messy conversations but come out looking strong! I mean what’s a lil sparkle in your life if it can’t help you grow.

Yet this Christmas was extra special because I had a goal I really needed to crush: beating my nephews! We played Jack Box TV last year, and I refuse to let a 10 year old be more Whitty than me!

There you have it people; my early Christmas shopping was driven by the need to beat a 10 year old pretty boy. In my defense I also got banned from choosing games because I made them play Bean-boozled and my old man dad was not too pleased about eating grass beans! That moment is top 5 best moments when I still get to annoy my parents. Who said being an adult child living with your parents while running your own business and working full-time couldn’t have it’s perks right? So yeah I’m finding every excuse to try the game again (Just so I can laugh at my dad again) and outwit a child.

Picking The Right Variety of Timeless and Self care Pieces

All of this it got me thinking, nothing beats a timeless gift. It has to be a gift that you can use every day or for special occasions and it just looks extravagant. I mean silently extravagant that you need no announcement when entering a room. The selections in this post are exactly that. And to be honest I’ve grown tired of fast fashion, and is the reason why I got my gifts tailor made this year. I want all my loved ones and friends to have something they will show off for the next 10 years. I mean who doesn’t love a classic item. More so how heart warming is it if you can r gift your friends and family with self care items such as candles and other products that will help decompress them following a hard days work.

What’s more you’ll also find an array of diffusers and nicely scented candles for your bedroom in this list. Reason being if there is anything you can say about 2020 and 2021 is you deserve to live a life that includes emotional resting. I take that back; Please make a life that includes emotional resting. It will help you revive yourself especially if you’ve been dealing with highly demanding activities and need a moment to rest. I had this moment this year when I received the Tony Elumelo Entrepreneurship award. I had practiced screaming, jumping and walking around in my cocktail and dress and fur coat.

You can Fail humanly, but from God’s You’re already victorious

Even so on that day I just sat in my bed thanking God for all the messy growth. This year if you watched me from a human perspective, it was a year of failures! At every angle I was failing humanly. I made the wrong friends. Then I had to learn how to have messy conversations with the right friends. Then do not forget I was yelled at by men who believe my only calling life is to birth 5 babies. Yes I own a baby store, but really Jesus had another calling for me.

In those moments I realized what King David was going through; humanly it may be a tough season where you question your moves. I made a lot of business moves that landed me with corrupt, selfish people. Or should I say hurting people who are now hurting people. In those moments again I realized how precious the voice of God is because every time it was painful to start again.

Yet I’ve been starting again since 2019, and this year I cried a different cry. It was tears thanking Jehovah Nissi for blocking this deal. Thank Jehovah El Shaddai for blocking certain people. More importantly He became my Jehovah Rapha in helping me heal areas while on my journey. Lastly there were tears thanking Jehovah Jireh for teaching me boundaries.

Have More Planned Rest Days

Oddly enough my old prayers were always to have someone mentor me only to be shown God my Lord Jehovah Jireh is the One who can and will provide me growth where men are limited. Story for another day though. Yet there was still the calling to start over again, like there is a story on some of your lives to start over with friends, family a career, a goal or love.

In spite of this we’ll stand different, you will stand different. Believe in living a life of breakthroughs. I’ve included no spend ways in another post, but whenever I wanted to release my anxieties, I always reach for a candle. Like I’ve said in my previous post, journaling refreshes your mind. Finding ways to let go of fear, old beliefs and characteristics such as selfishness will help you see God has laid a path of victory over your life.

You just gotta be brave enough to conquer your fears. That is what I did for the reminder of the year following bad business breaks and personal life choices. Remember what I said last year in my news years resolution article; it’s not the change that we struggle with, it’s the emotional cost of starting again. So take a deep breath, and let’s try again.

It’s Time to Get up and Dress Believing You’re Brave Enough To Live It

This year has been tough on everyone. Many are easily anxious than ever before. And so I’ve combined some self care items to help on those tough days when you want to light up a candle and listen to your fave songs, or watch Korean dramas (don’t judge) or any other forms of escape in a room sweetened by heaven.

Then I encourage you to keep going and step out of your comforts zones in a statement piece that will make you feel confident. Now I’m not endorsing personality type superficial change, but let’s be honest leaving your hair in old tangles makes you feel less like a queen and more like a hobo. Win back your emotional confidence by showing up for yourself in both the big kinds of ways and small ways.

Share these gifts ideas with friends and family and let me know what you love to have in your boss. I’m sure we’re all exhausted from being exhausted, so while you’re choosing gifts based on your loved ones personalities and hobbies, here’s a list of truly divine self care goodies to add to their gift bags

Gift Sets Are The Absolute Best

If you love a good #glocation where you can read up on owning all of your relationships, catch up with me on https://blkcouture.org



Black Couture Health and Wellness Lifestyle

Black Couture is a Christ-centered health & wellness blog continuing the era of unique beauty, health & fitness lifestyle inspiration of every day women.